Dewey's China Trip Photos: Yunnan: Tiger Leap Gorge: Climbing Out

Climbing back out of Middle Tiger Leap Gorge

Cliff trail Yaoqiang and Zhaozhou. The trail here is a notch carved into the sheer cliff-face.
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Yaoqiang Yaoqiang boldly posses near the edge
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Upstream View View of Middle Tiger Leap Gorge, looking upstream
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Waterfall A steep waterfall near the Stairway to Heaven
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Stairway to Heaven Zhaozhou climbs the stairway to Heaven. The first section consists of an iron ladder with sixty steps. The iron ladder looks sturdy; the way it is attached to the cliff face with wires to various trees and logs looks less secure.
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Mountian The view seen while climbing up out of Middle Tiger Leap Gorge.
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Another Mountain Pretty mountaintops
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