Dewey's China Trip Photos: Yunnan: Tiger Leap Gorge: Bridge

A new bridge under construction

Bridge A new bridge for a road is being constructed over a deep gorge that runs into Tiger Leap Gorge. Here we see the half-completed arch that will later support the bridge deck. The hollow concrete sections of the arch weigh 30 metric tons each. The arch is five such sections long and three wide. It looks like when completed it will be seven sections wide, for a total of 35 sections.
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Arch Two workmen on the arch. Notice the cables holding a newly placed section in place. The temporary high steel towers on either side of the bridge support the overhead cables.
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Side view Bridge side-view, from the opposite end of the gorge.
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New sections New arch sections are manufactured here. This steel structure rolls back and forth on rails to move pieces of bridge sections into place.
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