Facial Expression Research Group 3D Database (FERG-3D-DB) |
Expression transfer from humans to stylized character using our work. Primary character: Mery, secondary characters (left to right): Bonnie, Ray and Malcolm. We show transfer of expressions belonging to 6 categories as in FERG-DB. |
Description |
Facial Expression Research Group 3D Database (FERG-3D-DB) is a database of 3D rigs of stylized characters with annotated facial expressions.
The database contains 39574 annotated examples for four stylized characters (2 females and 2 males) - Mery, Bonnie, Ray and Malcolm.
Each example is a list of rig parameter values which when transferred to the 3D rig creates a particular facial expression.
The expressions for each character are grouped into seven categories - anger, disgust, fear, joy, neutral, sadness and surprise.
Bibtex |
If you use this dataset, please cite our paper: |
Database access |
The python code to generate facial expressions on the 3D MAYA rigs is available here on github. Please fill out this agreement form to get access to the zip file containing CSV files. |
Acknowledgement |
We would like to thank creators of the rigs we used in our project and Jamie Austad for creating the facial expressions on the rigs. |