Cassidy Curtis
Sean Anderson
Josh Seims
Kurt Fleischer
David Salesin
To be presented at SIGGRAPH '97.
This paper describes the various artistic effects of watercolor and shows how they can be simulated automatically. Our watercolor model is based on an ordered set of translucent glazes, which are created independently using a shallow-water fluid simulation. We use a Kubelka-Munk compositing model for simulating the optical effect of the superimposed glazes. We demonstrate how computer-generated watercolor can be used in three different applications: as part of an interactive watercolor paint system, as a method for automatic image "watercolorization", and as a mechanism for non-photorealistic rendering of three-dimensional scenes.
The paper (gzipped PDF, 8.9 Mb)
The paper (gzipped PostScript, 8.1 Mb)
The paper (.pdf, 1.83 Mb)
The paper (.pdf, 517 Kb, images compressed beyond recognition)
A text-only version of the paper will be published soon at this location.
Here are several sites which have links to this and other projects from SIGGRAPH '97:
Frédo Durand's page
Loring Holden's page
Karim Ratib's page
The official SIGGRAPH page