Dewey's China Trip Photos: Yunnan: Tiger Leap Gorge: Evening

We make it to Halfway Guest House by evening

Mountains Towards evening the clouds rise a little and we can see more of the mountains.
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Peak Part of one of the lesser peaks becomes visible, and some blue sky appears
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Zhaozhou Wei I'm hiking with Zhaozhou Wei, a thirty year-old English teacher from Nanning (capital of Guangxi). I met him on the bus from Li Jiang to Tiger Leap Gorge.
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Gorge A small stream flowing through an incredibly narrow gorge
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Bamboo Lots of Bamboo and other plants hanging over the trail
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Leah and Linn By weird coincidence I run into my American friend Linn Crosetto and his girlfriend Leah Liao having dinner in Halfway Guesthouse. We join them and have a delicious meal.
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Bedtime We also meet Yaoqiang Wang (center), a physics teacher from Guangdong. Zhaozhou Wei, Yaoqiang Wang, and I share this room full of bunk beds with another traveler for the night. It costs ¥10 (about $1.20) per person per night.
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