Dewey's China Trip Photos: Neimeng Trip: Prairie

On the Inner Mongolian Prairie

In a gully Xiujuan in a gully. Right over these gully-ridden hills we should find the prairie.
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Calves Two calves and a cow
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Monument Xiujuan next to a monument to the remains of the Northern Wei dynasty (386-534 AD) Great Wall. Notice it has both Chinese and Mongolian characters.
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Sheep Nothing but sheep and grass for as far as one can see in all directions
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Cloud This tiny cloud is the only one left in the sky. It disappeared over the horizon minutes later.
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Calf, Cow A cow and calf
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15 km Xiujuan and I are now exactly 15 kilometers due north of our starting point. We put my camera on a rock, using the timer to take our picture before turning and heading west for the rest of the day.
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Fields We've walked about 30 kilometers due west, now the prairie has given way to fields of potatoes, wheat, and other crops.
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Goats 40 kilometers west of our turning point, we get water from the well of a family that has lots of goats.
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