Dewey's China Trip Photos: People

My Friends!

Xiujuan My best friend Xiujuan, a 22-year old Beijing Normal University Chinese literature major, giving me a tour of the Forbidden City.
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Xiujuan and Dewey Xiujuan getting a big hug from Me.
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The Korean Family In the apartment of the Korean family I stayed with in Beijing. Minqi's little sister, Minqi's mom, Xiujuan (their Chinese tutor), and Me.
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Minqi Minqi, 16-year old Korean boy. I stayed with his family for three weeks in their Beijing apartment.
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Bisheng My Shanxi friend Bisheng giving me a tour of the Summer Palace. She hopes to attend graduate school in the United States to study political science.
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Vivi and Dewey My Shanghai friend Vivi.
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Peipei My Shanghai friend Peipei at a park in Shanghai.
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Maya My Shanghai friend Maya ordering dinner at a Shanghai restaurant.
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Maya and Dewey Maya and Me in a Shanghai subway station.
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Xiujuan Xiujuan brushing her teeth in Beijing.
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