Dewey's China Trip Photos: Beijing: Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China at Badalin

Badalin Great Wall Part of the restored section of the Great Wall at Badalin
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Steep Great Wall Climbing the great wall can be very tiring due to its steepness. Fortunately here the steps have been restored, but in many places they have completely crumbled away making climbing quite difficult and hazardous.
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Badalin Great Wall The inside of one of the towers located every few hundred meters along the Wall
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Great Wall in the distance The wall can be seen winding on for miles over the distant mountains.
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Tower Door Looking out from one of the Wall's towers
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Crumbling Great Wall A collapsed section of the Great Wall in the foreground with a completely collapsed tower in the background
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Crumbling Great Wall A collapsed section of the Great Wall in the foreground with a half collapsed tower in the background
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Overgrown Great Wall A very overgrown section of the Great Wall
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Great Wall in the distance Another shot of the great wall receding for miles into the distance
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