Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas

For two of the results we show a movie clip, called "projected sources" (e.g., here and here), that bears some explanation. To demonstrate the amount of parallax in the scene, we zoom in on a region of the picture surface and flip through the source photographs that project to that region; geometry at the dominant plane will be stable, while objects off of the dominant plane will shift.

Figure 1

Source images (movie)
Projected sources
Average image (cropped, un-warped)
Final result (automatically computed)

Figure 9

Source images (movie)
User-applied strokes
Initial result (automatically computed)
Final result

Figure 10

Source images (movie)
Initial result (automatically computed)
User-applied strokes
Final result

Figure 11

Source images (movie)
Initial result (automatically computed)
User-applied strokes
Final result

Figure 12

Source images (movie)
Projected sources (movie)
Initial result (automatically computed)
User-applied strokes
Final result

Figure 13

Source images (movie)
Final result (automatically-computed)