1.0.5 Fixed a bug (rarely happens) in CUDA kernel configuration * Symptom: ComputeJtE: invalid configuration argument(9) Triggers when npoint is within (2 * n * 65505 ~ 2 * n * 65535) for n >= 2 Changed the CUDA error handling * from exit(0) to throw "error location string" Added Support for constraints of camera clusters having equal focal lengths * Call ParallelBA::SetFocalMask(reference_camera_index_for_each_camera, weight); * For example, a vector of 0 means all camera should have the same focal length. * For example, <0,0,2,2,2> gives two groups (0,1) and (2, 3,4) for the constraint. Improved memory allocation * Reset device and deallocate all data when ReserveStorage(0, 0, 0); 1.0.4 Added AVX-based implementation (Use Release_AVX for MSVC, or #define CPUPBA_USE_AVX) Added function ParallelBA_GetVersion for future changes. Fixed minor bug in the profiling program 1.0.3 Added support of constant cameras (CameraT::SetConstantCamera) * Causes slight slow-down of standard pipeline * Can be disabled by defining PBA_DISABLE_CONST_CAMERA Automatic switching from GPU to CPU if CUDA is not supported * Will not switch back Fixed a problem with Windows DLL function name 1.0.2 Choosing thread count accoding to the number of CPU cores. * This might be slightly better than the fixed parameters * This is still very heruristic and not really optimal. * The settings are still tunned for very large data. Added two additional Bundle Adjustment Modes (Motion only & Structure only) * Call ParallelBA::SetNextBundleMode() to set the mode 1.0.1 Converted MSVC solution files to visual studio 2010 Added the first draft of manual Added CMakeFile (Provided by Pierre Moulon) 1.0.0 (06/2011) The first release