Layered Depth Panoramas Result: Porch View

City View Porch View Super Market

Viewing Experience
We move along the camera arc with all three layers enabled. Most of the holes are covered from the back layers. There are yet some cracks since not all the rays along the arc are captured in the input images. Some image inpainting is needed to fill in all the cracks. We demonstrate in this example how we move along the arc, zoom in, and zoom out while pushing the camera towards the cylindrical center. The strong parallax perceived produces a sense of 3D. The size of this LDP is around 1.2MB.

Input Images (animated view)



SFM Visualization
red dots are cameras, dark points represent scene points, brown arcs indicate cylindrical planes
1st Layer Depth
from cylindrical center after one iteration
1st Layer Depth
from camera arc after one iteration
1st Layer Depth
from cylindrical center after a few iteration modulated by visibility
1st Layer Depth
from camera arc after a few iteration modulated by visibility
1st Layer Texture
from cylindrical center
1st Layer Texture
from camera arc
2nd Layer Depth
from camera arc
2st Layer Texture
from camera arc
3rd Layer Depth
from camera arc
3rd Layer Texture
from camera arc
Output Viewing Experience
We move along the camera arc with only the first layer turned on. Notice how holes pop up as the camera moves, revealing depth discontinuities.
Output Viewing Experience
We move along the camera arc with all three layers enabled. Most of the holes are covered from the back layers. There are yet some cracks since not all the rays along the arc are captured in the input images. Some image inpainting is needed to fill in all the cracks. We demonstrate in this example how we move along the arc, zoom in, and zoom out while pushing the camera towards the cylindrical center. The strong parallax perceived produces a sense of 3D. The size of this LDP is around 1.2MB.