Endpoint-interpolating B-spline wavelets. Eric J. Stollnitz (stoll@amath.washington.edu) README updated December 22, 1997. Matlab functions available from: http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/graphics/projects/wavelets/ More information can be found in: Wavelets for Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications. Eric J. Stollnitz, Tony D. DeRose, and David H. Salesin. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1996. ISBN 1-55860-375-1. Wavelets for Computer Graphics: A Primer. Eric J. Stollnitz, Tony D. DeRose, and David H. Salesin. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 15(3):76-84, May 1995 (part1), and 15(4):75-85, July 1995 (part 2). Functions used to generate matrices and figures in the text LatexMatrices MakeFigs Arbitrary degree endpoint-interpolating B-spline wavelets FindP FindQ Inner Haar basis transform and example functions HaarApprox HaarCompress HaarCoords HaarDecompStep HaarDecomposition HaarReconStep HaarReconstruction Input/output and error checking support functions CheckInt CheckLatex Latex LatexP LatexPattern LatexQ PlotAll PlotScaling Arbitrary degree B-spline wavelet support functions Bernstein BernsteinInner BernsteinWeights Choose EvalCombo Factorial Greville InsertKnot Knots LCD PolyEval XVec