Tutorial 1: The perfect family portrait

1. Load up the images as explained in the Introduction.
2. Select File-->Group Portait from the menus in the Composite window.
3.  Scroll through the stack of images and select the first one to be used in the composite - in this example, we use image 2.

scrolling through stack of images

3. Paint on people to be added to composite.

first paint stroke

Since this is the first stroke we lay down, the composite now becomes the whole number 2 image.

result of first paint stroke

4. Next we fix the boy who is not looking at the camera. We go to image 3 in the stack and paint over the little boy and his mother.

second paint stroke

The resulting composite now includes the people on the left from image 2 and the small boy and his bother from image 3.

comp of second paint stroke

To view how the images are merged together, select View --> Labeling and Strokes.

view strokes and labeling

This view shows the source regions in different colors and the corresponding brush strokes in the color of the source image. In this example, source image 2 is blue and source image 3 is yellow. To view the strokes or labeling individually select View--> Overlay Strokes or View --> Overlay Labeling.

labeling after second stroke

5. We continue by fixing the man in the back using image 4.

third paint stroke

We paint on his face and the composite now includes better improved versions of the little boy and the man next to him.

comp after third paint stroke

The composite is now made of three images.

labeling after third paint stroke

6. We continue by picking better views of the people on the right from source image 0.

forth paint stroke

the resulting composite,

composite after forth paint stroke

and the sources used in it.

labeling after forth paint stroke

7. But now the man and woman in the back are not the ones we want. We go back to image 3 and add them back in.

fifth paint stroke

the resulting composite,

composite after fifth paint stroke

and the sources used to create it.

labeling and strokes after fifth stroke

8. Finally we conclude with a better view of the grandfather, using source image 1.

sixth paint stroke

The resulting composite,

composite after sixth paint stroke

and the painted strokes and automatically computed regions.

labeling and strokes after sixth paint stroke

We now have a  family portrait that is better than any of the originals.

9. To remove the most recent stroke and computed region, select Edit --> Undo.
