Control of Complex Dynamics


In recent years, the graphics community has made great strides modeling complex dynamic phenomena through physical simulation. These simulation techniques can generate very realistic results, but the animations they produce are often difficult to control. This project is concerned with developing intuitive, efficient techniques for controlling the high-level behavior of complex physical simulations. Our initial work has focused on fluid simulations, which are highly nonlinear and hence especially difficult to control.

Project Members

Adrien Treuille
Antoine McNamara
Zoran Popović
Jos Stam


Antoine McNamara, Adrien Treuille, Zoran Popović, Jos Stam
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH 2004)

Paper (4 MB, PDF).

We describe a novel method for controlling physics-based fluid simulations through gradient-based nonlinear optimization. Using a technique known as the adjoint method, derivatives can be computed efficiently, even for large 3D simulations with millions of control parameters. In addition, we introduce the first method for the full control of free-surface liquids. We show how to compute adjoint derivatives through each step of the simulation, including the fast marching algorithm, and describe a new set of control parameters specifically designed for liquids.

A ball of smoke forms the Stanford Bunny.
Video 1 (0BM, Divx AVI)
Video 2 (0BM, Divx AVI)
A ball of smoke forms the Stanford Armadillo.
Video 1 (456k, Divx AVI)
Video 2 (669k, Divx AVI)
A ball of clay splats on the ground, creating several shapes.
Video 1 (241k, Divx AVI)   Video 3 (264k, Divx AVI)
Video 2 (264k, Divx AVI)
Fancy splashes are sculpted through keyframing.
Video 1 (970k, Divx AVI)
Video 2 (1.0M, Divx AVI)
Smoke interpolates a laser range scan of a man punching.
Video 1 (78k, Divx AVI)
A motion captured man runs, solved both as smoke and water.
Video 1 (356k, Divx AVI)
Video 2 (430k, Divx AVI)
The full SIGGRAPH video.
Video 1 (149M, Quicktime)

Adrien Treuille, Antoine McNamara, Zoran Popović, Jos Stam
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH 2003)

Paper (1 MB, PDF).

We describe a method for controlling smoke simulations through user-specified keyframes. To achieve the desired behavior, a continuous quasi-Newton optimization solves for appropriate "wind" forces to be applied to the underlying velocity field throughout the simulation. The cornerstone of our approach is a method to efficiently compute exact derivatives through the steps of a fluid simulation. We formulate an objective function corresponding to how well a simulation matches the user's keyframes, and use the derivatives to solve for force parameters that minimize this function. For animations with several keyframes, we present a novel multiple-shooting approach. By splitting large problems into smaller overlapping subproblems, we greatly speed up the optimization process while avoiding certain local minima.

The full SIGGRAPH video.
Video 1 (227M, Quicktime)


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