This paper describes an approach to building real-time
highly-controllable characters. A kinematic character controller is
built on-the-fly during a capture session, and updated after each new
motion clip is acquired. Active learning is used to identify which
motion sequence the user should perform next, in order to improve the
quality and responsiveness of the controller. Because motion clips
are selected adaptively, we avoid the difficulty of manually
determining which ones to capture, and can build complex controllers
from scratch while significantly reducing the number of necessary
motion samples.
Active Learning for Real-time Motion Controllers Cooper, S. Hertzmann, A. Popović, Z. ACM Transactions on Graphics 26(3) (SIGGRAPH 2007)
[Paper (2.4 Mb)]
SIGGRAPH video (5 mins) - (Requires Quicktime to view.)
[Movie (117 Mb)]